High End Dental

Appointment Booking Script


Objective: Book Appointment


Office Hours:

Appt Location: In-Office

Timezone: PDT


  • Medicaid, Medicare, Welfare

  • Fixed income

  • Disability

  • Can only afford $50/mo

  • Crazy, rude, emotional

Voicemail: Hey this is Jordan from High End Dental. I’m calling because you signed up for our . And I just wanted to see if you had any other questions. Please call or text me back at this number, . Have a wonderful rest of your day! Thanks, bye!


Hi NAME, this is Jordan with High End Dental, how are you doing today?

-- Wait for greeting --

Great! I saw that you requested more info about dental implants from our online form...

Diagnose Pain/Needs

...can you tell me a little bit about what's going on?

-- Actively Listen --

Ok, how long have you been dealing with this?

-- Actively Listen --

I'm sorry to hear that. Are you able to eat? 

-- Actively Listen --

Ask About Urgency/Motivation

If you're ready to eat the foods you want, what made you fill out the evaluation right now?

-- Actively Listen --

Alright so we've been dealing with this for a little bit too long NAME. Dr. NAME is very good at this, you know he's helped hundreds of people just like you and I know that he can get you out of this pain so you can eat the foods you want. Wouldn’t that be great?

-- Actively Listen --

Present the Solution To Their Pain

Yeah so dental implants can obviously solve this problem. How much do you know about implants, or how much research have you done?

-- Actively Listen --

Money Discussion

Alright, have you look into cost of dentures versus implants or anything like that yet?

-- Actively Listen --

Yeah so implants are definitely more expensive than dentures. I mean it's a premium solution and it solves the problem that dentures cannot solve. And not only that is when you’re in dentures too long then you can end up getting that shrunken jaw look and age a little bit more rapidly. So there are several things that dental implants actually solve and that is why they're a premium solution and they do cost more. So with what you're experiencing if you call around to 10 other offices you’ll get a range from:

  • Single tooth: $3,500-$6,000

  • Multiple teeth: $8k-$15k

  • Full arch: $20k-$30k

…so that's kind of a range you're going to be looking at but here's the thing is we have several methods to make this fit into your monthly budget with low affordable payments alright, so I mean we're looking at about you know $250-500 a month with 3rd party credit approval. So is that something you're looking to do or have you been saving for something like this?

-- Actively Listen --

Skip to next section IF Paying Cash:

Yeah okay, good deal, so as long as we can get you approved with the credit companies we're good to go. Do you know how your credit is right now?

IF Poor Credit:

Do you have a co-signer with good credit history that could help?

If NO Co-Signer either, probably not a good fit.

Ok, well we are looking really good here NAME.

Ask For Other Decision Makers To Attend

Is there anybody else involved in the process? Do you have a spouse or loved one that should be involved in this process too?

-- Actively Listen --

Yeah alright, well what we could do is if she needs to be involved we could invite her onto the call right now or you know probably we're looking at a next step of you coming in and meeting with the doctor. Do you feel ready to do something like that?

-- Actively Listen --

-- Explain location of appointment, VIDEO or IN-OFFICE? --

Location: In-Office


Okay, it’ll be a complimentary consultation and by the end of it you will know exactly how much it would cost for you, exactly what you would need, why you would need it, and you'll get to know Dr. NAME. He is so fun you're gonna love him and the whole staff at the office is very professional and they make you feel right at home. And we’d love for you to bring your wife in. Could we make that happen?

-- Actively Listen --

Schedule The Consult

Alright great, let's see… next [LIST DAYS AVAILABLE] we have an opening. Would that work for you?

Check the calendar, if openings aren't available you may need to call the office first and ask.

Pick a Date and Time


Available Starting times for Fri, Oct 11, 2024

Asking For Credit Card:

Perfect, I'm going to go ahead and reserve this time with Dr. Yasser Gheriani so he can answer additional questions for you and I'm going to reserve 1-hour on our office schedule for you so we can discuss your treatment plan, okay?

--Wait for acknowledgment--

So to reserve this time, we do ask for a card on file to hold the appointment. If you don't show up there is a $50 fee. This is just protocol and obviously if you attend, which you plan on doing, there is no fee at all as this is a completely free consultation but we just put the card down to reserve his time with you.

--Wait for acknowledgment--

So do you want to put a debit or credit card on file?

IF YES: Take down credit card in the form and submit

IF THEY OBJECT: Explain why and ask one more time

I understand NAME, nothing is being charged on your card, it is just common practice in order to reserve Dr. Yasser Gheriani's time. Are you still against putting a card down?

IF THEY STILL WON'T: Make an exception and schedule

Ok NAME, I will break protocol and book your appointment without a card on file if you will commit 100% to show up to the appointment. Can you confirm you will attend?

-- Do NOT book into the calendar yet! Submit the Analytics form first, then schedule --

Great okay so NAME are you excited?

-- Actively Listen --

Alright well I'm gonna put you on the schedule for you and your wife….you're on the schedule now and we'll see you at 2:30 Wednesday right?

-- Actively Listen --

Okay we'll see you then thanks!

---FIRST: Submit the Lead Conversion form on the right.

---SECOND: Submit the calendar appointment time. (Must be done in that order. Thank you!)

  • If lead says NO they aren't ready to move forward, can't afford it, aren't qualified etc.

-- Aim to set a follow up time when they will be ready--

Ok NAME, I understand, there's no hurry. When do you think you'll be ready for us to give you a call you back?

(add follow up task in CRM to callback)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost going to be?

I know that the costs are usually a big question and the reality is that depending on your case dental implants can be an investment for some people. Now with that being said, if you do need financing we have some great options that Dr. Yasser Gheriani can introduce you to during your consultation and he'll help make sure you get the best terms on a financing plan. And also [NAME], we’ll be happy to help you with the paper work when it comes to applying for financing, 9 times out of 10 our patients are able to get approved. So if you're ready, what I can do is set up a free, no-obligation consultation where you can meet with the doctor and he can answer all your questions, go over your options, and give you an exact quote for the work you're needing done. Would you like to schedule a consultation?

Will my insurance cover this?

Good question. Most insurances don't cover New Patient Consultation but depending on what you have you may get partial coverage but I can't confirm that on my end. During a consultation, Leslie Ruiz at our front office should be able to give you a clear answer and go over all your financial options. So would you like to schedule a consultation?

I don’t want to do a video call, can I come to the office?

I totally understand, the reason we do the initial consultation on a conference call is just so you can get to know a bit and see if you like him. If you do, then we’ll have you come into the office for your records appointment and we’ll all get to meet you then! …. Do you have a computer or smartphone NAME?

Perfect so you can easily join the video call with . I’ll send you the link to join the call and you can just click on the link at your scheduled time and will meet you right there face to face.

I can't afford it.

I totally understand. I do have to say, this is a great investment that will last you a life-time, and we do have some affordable financing options as well. If that’s something you’d be interested in can go over it with you during a consultation. So would you like to set up a free appointment?

What is the office's phone number?

How long is the consultation?

Usually around 15-20 minutes.

Where are you located?

Hours of operations?